Schupfnudeln - Potato Noodle Dumplings
Similar to Gnocchi!
750 grams floury potatoes
3 eggs
200 grams flour (approx.)
salt, to taste
nutmeg, to taste
Wash the potatoes, and boil them (with peels on) in a large pot until cooked. Remove from water, peel while still hot, and mash well. Set aside to cool. (You could do all this the day before.)
Once the potatoes have cooled, add salt and nutmeg to taste. Add eggs and flour, and mix well into a dough.
Flour your work surface and roll the dough out into a long snake shape, about 4 inches thick. Then, cut a 1/2 inch piece of dough off, and roll it gently to get a finger-sized dumpling. It’s recommended to stop here and use this one as a test dumpling.
Bring a large pot of lightly-salted water to the boil and drop in the stunt dumpling. If it falls apart, you will need to add more flour to the remaining dough mixture before forming the rest of it into dumplings.
When the dumpling floats to the surface, it’s done. Use a slotted spoon to remove it from the pot, drop it into a bowl of cold water to stop it cooking. Then drain and set aside.
Continue forming the rest of the dumplings and cook them the same way. You may need to do this in batches to prevent them sticking to each other.
When all the dumplings have been cooked, dropped in cold water and drained, you can portion them up and set aside for later (or for freezing if you wish.)
To eat right away, fry the drained dumplings in some oil in a large frying pan. Season with salt and nutmeg to taste.
My Notes
This made 6 x meal sized portions (or 12 side dish sized portions).
I like to fry these up in a bit of oil with some chopped onions, a bit of Maggi drizzled over them, and shredded cheese on top.
If freezing, I’d recommend that you freeze them in small portions in case they stick together. Then take them out of the freezer and put them in the fridge the night before you want to fry them. (Although I have microwaved frozen dumplings for a 1 – 2 minutes and then fried them, for sudden cravings!)