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Rotkohl – Red Cabbage

Serves: 6 – 10, depending on size of cabbage
Cooking time: About 1 1/2 hours


1 head red cabbage, chopped into thin strips
2 onions
1 apple, chopped into small pieces
4 oranges
lemon juice
cinnamon, 1 stick
cranberry jam
red wine (optional)


Chop the cabbage, remove and discard the stalk. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, then marinade it in the juice of 3 oranges, some red wine, pepper and cinnamon. Skin one orange, chop it into small pieces, and add it to the marinade. Squeeze and press the cabbage, stirring to make sure it is well-coated. (It is ideal to do this a day beforehand, but it can also be done just before cooking.)

Melt some sugar in a pot, add oil, and when the mixture starts to caramelize, add the onions and fry until golden.

Add the marinated red cabbage and its liquids and stir. Bring it to the boil, stirring occasionally. Make sure there is always enough liquid to boil the cabbage, so it does not scorch. Cover and simmer until it is cooked to your preference.

Season with lemon juice and/or salt, more pepper, more wine, some cranberry (or lingonberry) jam and small apple pieces. Remove the cinnamon stick and optionally thicken the red cabbage with a bit of corn flour.