Backhendl – Fried Chicken
3 small young chickens, quartered or halved
1/2 cup flour
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup bread crumbs (very dry)
Prepare 3 bowls. Fill one with flour, the 2nd with eggs beaten with the salt, and the 3rd with breadcrumbs. Coat the chickens in flour, then egg, and finally in breadcrumbs, shaking off any excess.
Fry quickly in hot oil or lard (so a good crust forms) deep enough that the chicken ‘swims’ to get deep-fried. Lower heat and continue frying for another 15 minutes or until done.
My Notes
Known as Poulet Frit À La Viennoise in French, this is an Austrian specialty! I’m still putting it under my German category though, because we eat it, too. 😛