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Leberknödelsuppe – Liver Dumpling Soup


1 lb (approx. 500g) beef or pork liver, ground
3 eggs
2 cups (approx 120 grams) white bread, cut and dried into cubes (like you would use for bread dumplings)
1 cup (approx 80 grams) breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons parsley, freshly chopped
1 tablespoon marjoram


In a large bowl, combine the ground liver, eggs, marjoram, salt and pepper. Add stale bread cubes and breadcrumbs, and mix well. Leave to stand for 20 minutes so that the bread soaks up all the liquid, binding the dough together.

Form dumplings about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, and cook in a pot of boiling, salted water for about 20 minutes.

Serve in a clear beef (or vegetable) broth, garnished with freshly chopped chives.

My Notes

I haven't made these but my Mom has, and said they were good! 🙂

(I’m adding the umlaut-free spelling of leberknoedelsuppe / leberknoedel in here to make it easier to search for this recipe.)