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Sourdough Scallion Pancakes


1-2 teaspoons vegetable oil (or other neutral cooking oil)
1/2 cup soughdough starter (can use discard)
1 tablespoon scallions, diced
1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds
salt, to taste
soy sauce (optional)
rice vinegar (optional)
chili peppers, sliced (optional)


In a frying pan, heat the oil on medium heat and pour in 1/2 cup of sourdough starter (or discard).
Sprinkle on some scallions, sesame seeds, pinch of salt. Let the pancake cook for 3 minutes or so, then flip and cook for another 3 minutes or so until nicely browned.
Serve with soy sauce as a garnish or make a sauce of soy sauce/rice vinegar/sliced chili peppers.

My Notes

I made this with sourdough starter discard, served with a splash of soy sauce.

Photo montage of Sourdough Scallion Pancakes