Cinnamon Ice Cream
2 cups (500 ml) whipping cream
8 egg yolks
3/4 cup (175 ml) granulated sugar
3 – 4 teaspoons (15 – 20 ml) ground cinnamon, (or to taste)
Place cream in small pot and heat until bubbles form around the edge. ln large glass bowl, using an electric mixer, beat egg yolks with sugar for 3 – 4 minutes or until light and lemon-colored. Beat in the hot cream slowly, in a stream, until blended.
Place the mixture in a metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water and cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture coats a spoon.
Remove from heat, beat in the ground cinnamon, and let cool. Place in covered container in the freezer until firm.
My Notes
Instead of cinnamon, you can use ground nutmeg, grated orange rind, or puréed fruits.